Commercial Business Auto Insurance Services In Granbury

Inland Marine Insurance

Inland marine insurance offers comprehensive coverage for a wide range of commercial assets, including goods in transit, off-site storage, and mobile equipment. It also extends protection to specialized equipment and property temporarily under your supervision.

What Falls Under the Umbrella of Inland Marine Insurance?

Inland marine insurance encompasses a spectrum of business assets that may include:

  • Specialized Equipment and Tools: This category covers tools and equipment specific to your trade or industry.
  • Property in Transit Over Land: Protection extends to goods and materials while being transported over land.
  • Mobile Business Property: Assets that frequently change location or are not confined to a fixed site.
  • Property Temporarily Stored by a Third Party: Property that another entity temporarily stores on your behalf, such as warehoused inventory.
  • Unique and Valuable Property: Items of distinctive worth, such as jewelry and artwork.
  • Property Temporarily in Your Care from a Third Party: Property entrusted to your business temporarily by a third party.

In cases where these or other eligible items are subjected to damage destruction due to covered perils (e.g., fire or vandalism), theft, or inexplicable disappearance, inland marine insurance steps in to cover repair or replacement costs. This financial safeguard alleviates the financial burden on your business.

Moreover, specific subcategories of coverage exist under the inland marine insurance umbrella, including motor truck cargo insurance, bailee coverage, and builder’s risk insurance. We encourage you to contact your dedicated agent for detailed insights into eligible property, available options, terms, coverage limits, and exclusions.

Acquiring Inland Marine Insurance

Our team of knowledgeable professionals stands ready to facilitate the acquisition of inland marine insurance that precisely aligns with your business requirements. For more information or a customized quote, please don’t hesitate to contact American Truck Insurance.