Commercial Business Auto Insurance Services In Granbury

Auto Repair Shops/Auto Dealers

Auto Repair Shops

While liability protects you from lawsuits, you still need to provide protection for your customers’ cars while they are at the auto repair shop. Unlike other liability insurance plans, you will need coverage that will specifically ensure your business when vehicles stored and maintained on your site are involved in accidents or sustain damages for which you’re at fault.

What kind of insurance coverage does an auto repair shop need?

  • Garage Liability Insurance (Business Liability)
  • Garage Keepers Insurance
  • Business Auto Insurance
  • Business Interruption Insurance
  • Worker’s Compensation
  • Business Property Insurance
  • Property and Equipment Insurance

Auto Dealers

Auto Dealer need a specialized type of business insurance that covers many facets of owning and operating an auto dealership. Dealer Insurance is designed to cover the test-driving of vehicles owned by the dealership, employees driving vehicles owned by the dealership, and the many potential mishaps that could occur at the car dealership.

What kind of insurance coverage does an auto dealership need?

  • Commercial general liability insurance
  • Employment practices liability insurance
  • Errors and omissions insurance
  • Business income insurance
  • Worker’s compensation insurance
  • Dealer’s Open Lot Insurance
  • Garage keeper’s liability insurance
  • Garage liability insurance
  • Dealer plate insurance

Get the Automotive Insurance You Need Today

At American Truck Insurance, we understand your specific insurance needs. Contact us today to learn more about how insurance can help provide financial protection for your shop or dealership.